The 2014 PSCF Business Meeting took place on March 9, 2014, from about 12:15-1:15 pm in Carlisle, PA. Five people were in attendance at one point or another.
Elections. All officers were re-elected unanimously.
The Pennsylvania State Champion is due to be in Western PA in 2015. After that, it will rotate only East and West, only stopping in Central PA if someone is willing to organize it there.
The Pennsylvania State Scholastic Championship is moving to Lancaster next year for at least two years.
In late 2013, the PSCF website was hacked. Some files had been backed up, but others were not. Efforts will be made to back up everything in the future.
There was talk about continuing a printed Pennswoodpusher, or delivering it online. In order to keep the printed version, money will need to be spent to pay for a costly new printer. Or, money will be needed to be spent to update the website. No formal decision was made, although updating the website seemed to be the more popular option.
The PSCF is doing well financially. The three types of money the PSCF has are:
State Scholastic Coordinator Joshua Anderson will contact Treasurer Stan Booz to try to be able to make checks from the PSCF account, and to find out how much money is in Scholastic Money.
Some money will also be set aside in case a blizzard causes a poor turnout at the State Scholastic Championship, and the PSCF is still required to pay hotel costs, etc.
In case a group requests to use some of the money, procedures will be needed to be added to determine how to grant money.
By Joseph J. Mucerino, Jr.
PSCF Secretary