The Business Meeting was held on October 30, 2016, at 2:15 PM.
This was an election year:
It was discussed that the PSCF President should sign off on a National TD to run the state scholastic championship.
Only one person should make contracts for the PSCF (with the President’s approval).
For the State Scholastic Championship, the goal is for Tom Martinak and Boyd Reed to run it next year while training others. Then, in 2018, the trainees will run the tournament, with Tom and Boyd on site in an advisory capacity. In 2019, the trainees will hopefully take over.
We are looking for sites for both the state championship (although it will be held in Lancaster in 2017) and the Pennsylvania State Amateur Championship.
The accounting is messed up. Hopefully, the PSCF will start fresh in 2017.
By Joseph J. Mucerino, Jr.
PSCF Secretary